Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Demons Are Real....Wait...What?

So world creation's interesting.  I have a lot of research to do but I'm going to try and not get caught up in it and just skim.  It'll be my side thing to do when I get stuck with the book or I get frustrated or the characters are being stubborn and what have you.  Research and Firefly, two great stress relievers.  There are others but we won't get into that cause that'll be an extra long, long ramble.

So I was doing some random searching on the internet for links to the different writing groups and events I've gone to or that I belong to or that I plan on going to in the future and I found some extra interesting things.  I now have a list of writing contests that I want to enter.  Contests always make me nervous because when I write it's for me first then my audience and it's meant to be fun and out there.  I mean in the end you need to pay attention to the technical details but you've got a lot of time to worry about that stuff later.  With contests you need to pay attention to the creative and technical stuff right off the bat.  But it'll be fun and a good exercise to keep me writing so that's always good.  I also have to remember to post some of those links to my group's website, so keep an eye on that guys :)

I can't wait to participate in the A to Z challenge in April.  That also seems like it might be fun and I'm already thinking I should make a list of possible topics so I get a good start.  It's an interesting challenge.

Side note I have to go into work tonight ugh.  I'm going to keep some paper or have my word processor up in case I feel like writing something tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I should enter more contests... But it's hard for me to write short pieces at the moment. All I can focus on is my big book every time I want to write. :D
