Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mmmmm Coffee......

So here's to a fresh start.  I look back on my posts and they seem so impersonal.  I basically forced myself to write something and it had to purely be about writing.  Well this is a writing blog, not a personal diary, but then I realized that my writing is me.  It's completely personal, it's how I think and feel and that shouldn't have to be put into some sort of format.  I'm not going to sit here and ramble on about work or my date last night (ha), or that fender bender I got into last week (heaven forbid).  I'll talk about my writing and everything I'd connect to it, and I'll say it in a way that makes me feel like I'm actually talking to people. 

So on that note I attended one of the most awesome writing conferences two weeks ago.  LTUE or "Life, the Universe, and Everything" over at Utah Valley University.  A three day conference devoted to science fiction and fantasy writing.  Oh yeah, geekgasm.  It was so much fun.  I learned a lot and met a couple of really cool writers.  Even attended a couple of non writing panels such as The Secret Mind of a Serial Killer and a panel on ghost hunting.  Way cool.  I've really been stalled lately and it got the juices flowing.  I finally started my chapter nine!!!!!

If you check out the blogs of a few of my friends they've got more details notes on the conferences panels but I'm not going to go into that.  Going to stuff like that really gets me thinking.  It's one of those events that tells you that maybe you really can do this and be happy with what you produce.  My big questions is always about whether I'm good enough to do this or not.  Then after the conference, specifically the keynote address by James Owen, I realized that I have to be the one happy with what I'm doing.  I want to write for my audience, want other people to love what I'm writing but I don't like what I'm writing then what's the point?  I am the first audience for this book/story/idea and if I don't have fun doing it then I shouldn't be forcing myself. 

Totally attending this conference next year. 

So now a revamped blog, trying to keep a very positive attitude, and get myself out there learning and meeting new people.  Also, love my writing group! I've said it before and I'll say it again, they rock.  Without their support I wouldn't be writing at all, let alone attending conferences and digging into the process of writing.  If you haven't joined a group yet join one and if you don't have one and happen to live in Salt Lake City join our group.  Yes that was my shameless plug for new members....but I'm not sure that works if no one but my writing group is reading this.....lol oh well it's worth a shot. 


  1. It really was encouraging to hear everyone say that if you love what you're doing, chances are other people will too. I've always worried about things like that, but I guess I shouldn't!

    Nice to see you writing some new posts! :)

    1. Jaron you should never worry about people loving your stuff cause we absolutely do! I love your stories and can't wait to hear more.

      As always thanks for the support from you and Rachel.

  2. Hey Geek Girl. Just dropping in as an A to Z challenge co-host, and am now your newest follower. Nice to meet you!

    1. Nice to meet you too! Thanks for following my blog and I hope you enjoy reading it. I can't wait to start the challenge :)
